How the Transparency Awards Work

In an effort to promote transparent disclosure practices – and further our core mission to represent the interests of readers of corporate disclosure – Labrador hosts the annual “Transparency Awards” as a way to recognize those that have made the effort to be transparent in their corporate disclosures and stakeholder communications.

These “Transparency Awards” are unique in that winners in various categories are selected using objective criteria – 237 discrete criteria that flesh out the five pillars of transparency – which are applied by an independent “Transparency Scientific Committee” starting with the 2024 Awards process. [Learn more about the objective criteria – and learn more about the Transparency Scientific Committee.]

Here’s how the process works to select the winners of the Transparency Awards starting with the 2024 Awards process:

  1. The independent Transparency Scientific Committee meets to determine what changes should be made to the objective criteria used during the prior year.
  2. The top S&P 250 companies are ranked using the updated set of objective criteria. There is no need to enter and there is no fee. The latest publicly-available proxy statements, Form 10-Ks, IR websites and ESG reports are reviewed for this ranking. The criteria review is managed by Labrador and that process is audited by an independent third-party.
  3. The independent Transparency Scientific Committee meets again to review the rankings and determine if there are any special circumstances to apply to make an adjustment to the rankings and select the winners.
  4. The winners are notified and then are publicly presented with their Awards at the annual Transparency Awards Ceremony.
  5. All are inspired by the winners and endeavor to improve their transparency so that they perhaps might win an award in the following year…


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