Your Great Ideas for Transparency Criteria? Please Submit!

As we go through the process of analyzing the five types of disclosure documents for the S&P 250 – applying our transparency criteria to them to determine how companies are doing overall and who is doing it the best ahead of the “2024 Transparency Awards” – we are bearing in mind the criteria that we want to modify, the criteria we want to delete – and new ones we want to add.

Our independent “Transparency Scientific Committee” plays a big role in deciding what ultimately happens in this area when they meet on this in September. But we thought it would be a good idea to solicit input from the community since the community is smarter than one small group of people. So please email Broc with any ideas you have – modifications, subtractions and additions – and we will seriously consider what you send in. No idea is a bad idea.

And we’re excited to announce that Bob McCormick – formerly of PJT Camberview (where he still serves as Advisory Council Member), Glass Lewis and Fidelity Investments – has joined the Transparency Scientific Committee…

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