What We Do for You

RealTransparentDisclosure.com provides practical guidance to those interested and willing to go on this transparency journey, a journey that can enhance your career and provide purpose for what you do. The core of our mission is to represent the interests of readers of corporate disclosure by promoting transparent disclosure practices.

We also are dedicated to providing you with opportunities for which you can further your professional development and receive recognition for your efforts in drafting corporate disclosure that is transparent to investors, other stakeholders and the general public. Right now, this primarily takes the form of the annual “Transparency Awards.”

The Transparency Scientific Committee

Broc Romanek serves as Editor of RealTransparentDisclosure.com and is the Chair of the Transparency Scientific Committee. Here are the members of the Transparency Scientific Committee.

The Transparency Scientific Committee operates independently even though the Transparency Awards are created and managed by Labrador.  Here is the “Transparency Scientific Committee Charter.

Our Mission & Values

The core of our mission is to represent the interests of readers of corporate disclosure by promoting transparent disclosure practices.

RealTransparentDisclosure.com provides practical guidance to those interested and willing to go on this transparency journey, a journey that can enhance your career and provide purpose for what you do.

We also are dedicated to providing you with opportunities for which you can further your professional development and receive recognition for your efforts in drafting corporate disclosure that is transparent to investors, other stakeholders and the general public. Right now, this primarily takes the form of the annual “Transparency Awards.”


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